Thursday, February 7, 2013

Growing Up

Time to lower the mattress...

Poor, pitiful, little guy ;)

Liam 8-9 Months

Yes, he is the cutest and sweetest baby boy. It's insane how fast he can crawl. He still loves to clap, especially patty-cake! He loves music and is either clapping, swaying, or bouncing along. We love him to pieces!


Chemo unfortunately fell during chemo week. Jason took the girls down to Columbus at the beginning of the week while Liam and I stayed at my parents. This might have been my best cycle, probably because  I had my Mom cooking for me at all times. Liam unfortunately was sick and had a little trouble sleeping, which is highly unusual for him. Fortunately for me, my parents would help take care of him during the night. I never could have done it by myself. Jason would send me pictures of the girls and they were having so much fun. They absolutely love playing with all their cousins.

Since we were doing Christmas in Columbus over this weekend I was determined to make it down there and not miss out on our kid's holiday. My Mom drove Liam and me halfway on Friday and Jason met us to take us back. I almost didn't make it because I was feeling so sick but I'm really glad I did. I loved being able to spend time with family and watch the kids playing together.