Monday, April 19, 2010

Date Nights Have Changed

The past two dates Jason and I have been on were not at night but during the afternoon. It’s funny how dates change when you have a baby. No more nights of super long dinners with a movie or a trip to Barnes and Noble after. Instead we have a quick lunch and head to Home Depot to buy some flowers or Publix to get groceries, since it’s much easier when you don’t have two kids! The whole outing is planned carefully around feedings. We have to leave immediately after Abby eats then be sure to be back in exactly 2-2.5 hrs. What’s funny to me is that a trip to the store is considered part of our date and we actually like it! Eventually we’ll move back to real Date Nights but that wont be for a while. For now we’ll enjoy our exciting trips to the store with just the 2 of us. I guess that’s really what’s important; time away just Jason and me talking and laughing being husband and wife not just parents.

~Jason and I got a nice little surprise when we decided to try out this new restaurant, wink wink, nudge nudge ;) I feel like I should have been warned!

On another note we had both kids out late last night and they did so good. Kate went to sleep in someone else’s crib and Abby was fine in her car seat with an occasional swing session by Jason. She was only fussy for some of the evening when usually she is fussy the entire evening! It was our first time taking both kids out and I wasn’t sure how it would go, hopefully we can get into the swing of of this whole having 2 kids thing. We need to take advantage of the time now when they’re both so young that we can do things like that!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Evil Pacifier

I had a really hard time nursing Kate. She wasn’t a fan and it was a lot of work and quite painful.  Abby was much better and not wanting to mess up how good she was I didn’t want to give her a pacifier right away. They say to wait awhile but my goal was only 2 weeks. I couldn’t wait for that day because Abby is always trying to suck on her fingers and just really seemed like she needed a pacifier. Plus, I couldn’t wait for an instant way to calm her down.  Two weeks came and I excitedly gave her the pacifier. It didn’t work! She barely liked the thing and would spit it out and it definitely didn’t stop her from crying. Kate has a pacifier in her bed for when she sleeps so I wanted Abby to have a different kind to not confuse Kate. I bought 3-4 different kinds of pacifiers for Abby. She didn’t like any of them. Jason sanitized one of Kate's and gave it to her and of course she liked it! So now I have a pacifier that’s the same as Kate's and the thing still doesn’t do the wonders I was hoping for. At least she’s still a semi awesome nurser!

~ I have high hopes that she’ll still take to the pacifier. I mean the poor thing can’t figure out how to suck her fingers and it’s just so sad to watch her try and try…

Abby’s Birth and Grandparents

We had a lot of visitors during this time but no one will ever beat the love and help from our parents. Abby is very blessed to have such loving and wonderful grandparents.









Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Abigail’s Birth

I had a really good experience with Abby’s birth. We went to the hospital around 6:30AM to get induced. (I was pass my due date and measuring small) Luckily I was already having contractions and fairly far along so they didn’t think the labor would be too long. They started the dreaded penicillin around 8AM which wasn’t nearly as bad as with Kate. Still unpleasant at times but definitely bearable.  Pitocin was next around 10AM, could definitely feel the intensity of those contractions. Broke my water around noon, contractions became very painful and very close together. Around 1:30 I decided I was ready for the epidural. However, my blood pressure was super low (I already have low BP and I guess labor made it even lower) so they had to give me more fluids before I could get the epidural. Thought I was going to die during this time.  Contractions were literally on top of each other and soooo strong! I figured out why they were so painful; by the time I got the epidural the Dr. said I was almost 9cm!!! It was only 30minutes later that it was time to push so I had the Dr. cut off the epidural. (even though I only had it around 30minutes it was so worth it)! Abby was born 45 minutes later. The cord was wrapped around her neck but she was perfectly healthy and I got to hold her immediately :) My recovery was really good. It was either the day we got home from the hospital or the next day that we took a very short walk with our 2 girls.  I’ve been super tired but that’s to be expected with a 2 yr old and a newborn!
