Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Abby’s 1st Birthday

Happy 1st Birthday to my Irish baby girl! What a fast and wonderful year. She has become such a little person and has so much personality! We laugh all the time at her little quirks and mainly at her dancing. She LOVES music and if you even hum she will stop and start dancing. It is hilarious. She is such a cuddly baby and will lay her head on you and just cuddle away. She loves to hug baby dolls and stuffed dogs and pat their backs. She is also pretty independent in that she likes toys and will play by herself for a little. Kate and Abby have recently started playing together a lot; I love hearing the two of them laughing together.  She is very head strong and has no trouble taking care of herself (especially against an older 3 year old Smile)

Abby started taking steps before her first birthday and is now walking everywhere, definitely over crawling! She says Mama, Dada, Ball, Balloons, BaBa (supposed to be WaWa for water), Ank U (thank you – rare but crazy when she says it!) and few other “words.”

Jason has taught her to click at us (he taught Kate to fake whistle at us so I shouldn’t be surprised). She loves to be outside and if it’s been cold or rainy she will crawl to our back door, look out the window and cry and/or yell! She still loves to swing. She tries to be like Kate and wants to sit in a big chair, and put on her own shoes and socks… She drinks out of a sippy cup and can even drink out of a real cup with no top. She’s a climber!

Bottom line, she’s amazing and we love her so much!


Abby loves balls and I really wanted her to have a ball cake. I couldn’t find what I was looking for so I made and it and, for the first time ever, decorated a cake! It was a lot of work but fun and she said ball right when she saw the cake!





Abby’s more interested in looking for her cake than posing!


Attack! She loved being able to eat cake


Our Lovely Family


  1. AWESOME job! It turned out beautifully! How on earth did you make a ball-like cake like that? Did you just put lots of cake layers on top of one another with frosting in between and then use a knife to shape it like a ball? Its okay if it's a secret family recipe, I can totally respect that seeing as we have some secret recipes in our family baking vault as well, but I'm amazed either way!

    I love the girls' faces in that last photo...Kate has a fabulously devious look and Abby's surprised look is priceless. Oh, and as for my pregnancy pics, I'm actually the odd one! I've just always had a hard time being alone in a picture...I never know what do to in them! I'm so weird. Anyway, Happy 1st Birthday to darling Abby!

  2. Haha, you give me way too much credit! I cooked the batter in two round bowls. Sliced a little on the bottom of one so it would stand up then iced them together. I think I should tell everyone I did it like you said, just to sound all impressive :)
