Monday, September 12, 2011

Things I learned on our trip…

1. Six tenths of a mile can be the hardest thing you’ve ever done.

2. I have a love/hate relationship with facebook. I didn’t check it while on our trip and loved it, but when I’m home I can’t seem to stay away.

3. My goal is to never allow Kate to watch MTV.

4. Kate will also be ending her semi dance career by the ripe age of 5. Have you seen Dance Moms???? Who are these people?!

5. EVERYTHING is more fun with someone you LOVE

6. If a bear was to charge me I could stand my guard without freaking out. In this situation I also have the fight not flight reaction (maybe too much actually).

7. It’s more fun to turn the TV off and listen to the creek out on your balcony.

8. No camera or lens can fully capture what the human eye can see.

9. The air out West really is cleaner and easier to breathe without all the humidity and smog.

10. I love hiking and being in nature but I also love seeing the buildings of downtown Atlanta. It just makes me happy.

11. You can do almost ANYTHING when you finally have some hours in the day where you don’t feel like death.

12. My life would be complete if I had someone to cook 3 real meals for me each day. I also am happiest when I eat an outrageously ginormous breakfast everyday.

13. It’s nice having someone who completely loves you

1 comment:

  1. Did you actually encounter a bear?!?! I'm so jealous of your glorious trip - those pictures were stunning. You two always have such lovely adventures!
