Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gingerbread House Version 2012

My amazing friend Melissa grew up making gingerbread houses with her Aunt. Since she no longer lives near her family she shares her talent with us for our Christmas present. They are so fun to make! Last year I helped her put them together (she makes everything from scratch!) but this year she had already made the houses so I just showed up and started decorating :) We also made the smart decision to do them at night when we could leave the kids at home. We were able to chat while making them instead of chasing kids, changing diapers… Even without kids it still takes some time and I don’t think I got home until 12:30AM, poor Melissa!
I did a gingerbread man for each family member. Kate decided Daddy is on the roof putting lights up while she and Abby are playing with snowballs and I’m in the back cleaning up :)

We went back over the next week so the kids could make their own gingerbread house. We originally were going another day but Melissa was sick. I made the mistake of telling Kate about it before, I so know better! For the rest of the week whenever Kate said the prayer she would pray Audrey’s Mommy would feel better so she could make a gingerbread house :) The kids had a blast and Kate was incredibly proud of hers and wanted to show it off to everyone. She has slowly been eating at it a little each day. Abby had fun then lost interest and wanted to eat everything instead of sticking it to the house.

I did the icing but the girls actually decorated their own house.

I caught Abby the other day sneaking bites off of Kate’s. She had pushed her stool, which she carries around everywhere, up to the counter to be able to reach. Such a funny and smart little girl!

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