Saturday, March 17, 2012

Needs to Be Recorded

1. I received Jury Duty for the SIXTH time! It's truly a conspiracy to get me. They make it a pain to defer too. You have to find some hidden document on their site, get it notarized, then fax it to their office. Maybe they'll get the hint this time!

2. Today is officially Abby's 2nd Birthday (love my St. Patrick's Day baby)! She knows a ton of letters. It took us completely by surprise when she started naming all these random letters. I guess she pays attention. She can also count to 10 and sometimes 15 (not just randomly count, but count objects). She speaks in complete sentences. For example, "The squirrel went up the tree," or "The balloon is too high. I can't reach it." It's crazy listening to her talk.

3. Kate has turned into the most affectionate child. Which if you knew her as a baby you would understand why I need to record this. I mean she is hugging, laying on you, climbing on you, kissing you, holding your hand....

4. I have been having contractions on and off since Wednesday night. They were so strong Wed that I though for sure it was really happening. I almsot woke Jason but let him sleep just in case it was for real. I fell asleep at 3:45AM and they went away :( But since then they've been on and off. Not your usual braxton hicks either. These have been really intense! Hopefully it will be happen soon but who knows???

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