Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Lost & Found

While at the Cheescake Factory for Lyndel’s shower/bachelorette party I had a very scary moment. I came out of the restroom, went back to the table and realized my finger felt funny. I looked down and only had my wedding band on! For those who are married you are probably like me where your band and engagement ring are always together. You never only have one. If I had looked and didn’t have either ring I would have assumed I forgot to put them on and they were at home. I ran back to the restroom to check the sink but their sink only has tiny holes for a drain so I knew it couldn’t have gone down the drain. I checked the stall and didn’t see anything. I’m starting to panic at this moment and run back to the table where I tell Dana and Amy that my ring isn’t on my finger. We start looking all around on the floor but there’s no ring. I run back into the restroom while Dana searches through my purse. As I’m convincing myself that my ring has been flushed down the toilet I remember a story Ty told us about almost losing his ring.

I go through the first trash can - nothing. Then I start looking through the second one. I pull the paper towels out and flatten them looking for my ring. I eventually pick a paper towel up and laying there face up is my ring! When it’s really cold my fingers shrink up and my ring is too loose so when I was wiping my hands with the paper towel the ring just slipped right off. I ran out to tell everyone but was still shaking and couldn’t stop shaking for a few minutes. I should resize my ring but then it would be kind of uncomfortable during the summer when it’s humid and my fingers aren’t shriveled up. Luckily my band is a little bit smaller (since the guy who sized my engagement ring didn’t really believe Jason when he told him my ring size) so I now wear my band on top to prevent my engagement ring from sliding off.

I know it’s just a material possession but the middle stone was Jason’s grandmother’s so it has double sentimental value. It’s the ring Jason picked out and proposed with and the main stone is a family heirloom. There is nothing you could say that would make me feel better if I was to loose it. Such as, it’s just a ring… I want this ring to be something that is passed down in our family and when our child/grandchild looks at the ring they will be reminded of much love those who wore it before had and especially how much Jason and I loved each other.


  1. I'm so glad you found it. I was on the verge of tears when I was looking for it!

  2. I totally under stand about that. My engagement ring is somewhere in this big wide world but no longer with me. I still get upset when I think about it. I cried for a year after I lost it.

  3. That is a crazy story! I'm so glad you found it though. I would be devestated if I lost mine. If you almost threw away your diamond ring, can you just imagine all the other things that people have thrown away on accident that have ended up in the dump?
